EarthGate’s Mission is to awaken, educate and inspire organisations and individuals. Together we co-create lasting social and environmental wealth.

In today’s volatile economic reality, everyone must cut waste and get more from reduced budgets. EarthGate delivers ‘more-with-less’ for NGOs and Corporates.

·      We capture synergy by strategic collaborative action using financial and non-financial resources.

·      We create win-win outcomes … everyone gets more of what they want.

·      We create massive lasting wealth for “People-Planet-Profit”.

EarthGate is a Social Enterprise along the lines described by Prof Yunus Founder of Grameen Bank and Noble Peace Prize winner. EarthGate uses the spaceship earth principles as suggested by the legendary Buckminster Fuller. EarthGate :

·      Is sustainable and a for-profit commercial business.

·      Creates a positive social and environmental impact.

·      Applies systems and templates and so creates consistent value.

·      Has a code of conduct to drive BIG results.

·      Has goals and commitment to drive actions and yield the desired results.

EarthGate has experienced coaches, mentors and consultants to ensure success. The EarthGate methodology is reproducible so that the EarthGate Campaign can be replicated by our partners across cities all over the world.


YES, then let us show you how to gracefully take strategic action going Grey2Green2Gold … and enjoy the benefits of sustainable wealth creation.

EarthGate Services

  • The finest EarthGate Corporate & NGO Collaborative Campaign
  • Corporate Visioning and Strategic intent for sustainable wealth creation
  • Actioning People-Planet-Profits
  • Corporate Mastermind Groups
  • The Spirit of Social Enterprise  Strategic Corporate Marketing and Product Marketing
  • People-Planet-Profits execution performance review and action planning.
  • Training and Seminars on CSR
  • Planning, Developing and Implementing CSR and Green Marketing Strategies

KEY WORDS: Employees, Profits, People, Planet, Prosperity, Customers, Prosperity, Sustainability, Resources, Strategy, Corporate Citizenship, Waste Reduction, Cost Savings, Green, Loyalty, Green2Gold, Collaboration, Innovation, Environment, Growth, Reputation, Image, Differentiation, Legacy, Contribution

People-Planet-Profits is the spirit of Social Enterprise. This management discipline creates sustainability and lasting wealth. The result is a positive impact on Employees, Customers, Investors, Suppliers and Licensing Agents. This is the new management process of going from Grey 2 Green 2 Gold. We can help you do it.